Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Oh Charlie...$SCHW

$SCHW Short...

Here it is, I don't have much time to update since today was such a busy day and this trade as well got interrupted, its funny, people think I just sit at home and do nothing, they'll be calling me up asking me to do stuff, run errands, do this, do that! It is not funny at all, to interrupt a person who is day trading is serious, that is my MONEY on the line! I am ready and up and looking at what I want to trade by 08:30! And now its 12:40 and I am squeezing in this blog post before I start work! So now ask me how I feel when I get a phone call saying "go do this"....its not the best situation to be in. But that is life! However! Here is the trade for today! I will call this stock Charlie, so Charlie went down down in the morning, its consolidated, then it popped UP thennnnn it finally just died!

Enjoy the picture!

Right Click Image, Open In New Tab

Trade Tickets:

$62 Gain for the day! And what happened? I got interrupted that is why I covered all my shares.