Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Where ma BBQ Sauce at? - Epic Trade Day

$BAX - Winner

I shorted this bad boy right at 67.84 50 shares and because my original entry which was at 57.93 of 200 shares did not get filled the first time I left the order in my platform then it finally filled once price came back. That means I had a position of 250 shares as approx 57.88 ish. I let go of 50 shares because I didn't trust the play then finally let the rest bleed down. This play did not follow through (sadly) but it was still a small winner. In the end I had 100 shares left, I covered them at 68.06. This is why it is so important to take profits when you can, if I had no taken profits I would have lost about -$30 on the play. But I locked in enough profits to not worry if price moved against me.

*Right Click Chart, Open in new tab*
 Trade Tickets $BAX

$DISCA - Winner

Another short. Look at this beauty, I didn't go heavy in this play but check that NASTY NASTY ness! O M G. Today was a pure short day. I only shorted 100 shares as you can see in my trade tickets but LORDDDD if I had shorted a lot more...wow. These are the types of plays that need to be taken, just look at the TIGHT TIGHT consolidation, that creates a small stop, which means I can be taking profits with less price movements.

*Right Click Chart, Open in New Tab*
Trade Tickets $DISCA

$PRGO - Loser- but WOW look what it did!

Now this was a prime time setup but honesty I couldn't stomach how much this moved against me so I ended up killed the play and taking a loss. I don't mind, the setup was nice and clean, the stop was huge. I did have another order pending after I took my loss but price slipped and moved so fast that it did not fill my order. And you may ask "your orders don't get filled so many times, is this guy bullsh*tting?" My reply, "NO!" The spreads for this stock were nasty and a lot of other things, price will move from .20 cents like a UFO going into space, its FAST! It will skip your order, its like you going to McDonalds and the lineup being MAD busy and the cashier forgetting that you told him/her you want your McChicken with BBQ sauce on the side, he/she may forget and you will have to come back and be like "WHERE MA BBQ SAUCE AT?" - SAME thing, orders in the market can also be skipped or not filled

 *Right click chart, Open in new tab*

Trade Tickets $PRGO

I made another trade but I don't have time to update. It was a $8 winner.

Click links below to view my previous trades

$TSN - Tyson Foods
Will $AMD pay for my Wedding?

Click Here to read About Me

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