Being patient on this play actually would have allowed me to avoid a BIG massive fail like this. Fell into the typical situation where my mind told me "this is going up" but the charts did not confirm that, so what did I do? I smacked down some shares and watched BIG, fail BIG! Well not fail BIG but this is the prime example of what not to do because the more you take plays without confirmation the more money you will give to the market.
Now AVAV, first of all I got a bad fill, second of all this stocks gap was wayyyyyyyyyyy to big. It made a massive run up from $17 and started chilling, but NO! ONE candle fakes out of everyone and there goes AVAV to make new highs. This is why it is important to avoid massive gaps, there is wayyy too much space between yesterdays close and todays open.
ONXX was a good trade, bad management. Trade 50 shares of this bad boy right in the beginning, at its high it was paying me $50 but I obviously wanted more. Stock was spready, very sketchy trade but it was the only positive of the day.
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